blog Mar 29, 2017


Have you ever noticed when people decide to make healthier food choices, it's almost always referred to as being “on a diet”. The fact of the matter is, one can make changes to their diet without actually being on a diet. And when statistics report that less than one percent of people who diet can maintain those results for life, it's important to know where you're at in order to achieve success. So exactly what is a diet?

A diet is something that almost always requires perfection in order to achieve and maintain results. They are not based on science or the physiology of how our bodies are meant to function. Diets require people to restrict or eliminate certain food groups and limit and/or count calories. In addition, many diets also require expensive product purchases, lifetime memberships and provide little or no education on how to go it alone in the real world. People on diets often feel panic when invited out to an event involving food. Feeling anxious and stressed every time someone invites you out for dinner, to a birthday or office party is not a healthy way to live and it's no wonder the success rate is so low. And yet statistics further tell us chronic dieters purchase a new diet book every 90 days. Clearly diets are not the answer, but a program is a whole 'nother story.

A program is based on science and physiology and works with the way our bodies were designed to function and metabolize food. Programs do not require perfection, nor do they require participants to restrict or eliminate any food groups. Instead, a program educates on the importance of making quality food choices and how to balance those choices to achieve the best results. Programs often recommend supplements to assist with results and enhance nutrition, yet don't require them in order to achieve results. Education is the base of every good program. Making sure participants have the information they need to maintain results without having to commit to purchasing pre-packaged food or paying for lifetime memberships is key. I invite you to watch this video by my good friend and nutrition expert Mark Macdonald as he explains it so well. Watch...  To sum it up, when you choose to do something that is based on science, makes sense to you, and is something you can do for life, that is a program. If it's not all these things, it's a diet and starting a diet would only be setting yourself up for failure in the long run.

After New Years, Spring is the time when most people make the decision to lose weight. With spring in the air and warmer weather fast approaching, this very thought is likely top of mind for a good majority of the population. This year don't just start the same diet you did last year only to lose the same 10 or 20 pounds. This year, do it different and do it right. Whatever you are considering, use the points above and ask yourself these three questions: 1. Is it based on science? 2. Does it make sense? 3. Can I do it for life? If the answer is yes to all three, go for it! Now that you know the difference, why not make the better choice and set yourself up to win. Spring forward into better health this year. After all, you're worth it.

Join Tania this Spring for three group weight loss options. End the Dieting Madness at Parkinson Rec Centre begins April 11 (mornings) to register call 250-469-8800, Spring into Weight Loss at the office of Creative Healing Chiropractic April 11 (evenings) to register call 250-870-8719, 8 Weeks til Summer Online held online and begins April 12 (time TBD by group) register online or call 250-870-8719

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