Oct 19, 2014
Thanksgiving in Canada has just wrapped up, leaves are turning color and there's that chill in the air now that says Fall is upon us. Fall marks the end of summer and the unscheduled, unstructured days spent on vacation and at the beach, and brings with it that "back to routine" feeling.
Being well into October, familiar routines and schedules of school, sports, clubs and dinner at the kitchen table are often well established and running smoothly (for the most part) for most families. What I find most adults struggle with at this point is how to get themselves back into a regular fitness schedule with a calendar that is already overflowing. As a parent of a very busy household, I faced the same challenges.
Take a close look at the activities that fill your calendar and make note of those that take up blocks of time (work, kids' sports/clubs, meetings, etc.) and see if there is a way to fit in some form of exercise before, during, after or in conjunction with, any of these activities. If you are a morning person, perhaps you might consider getting up earlier to go to the gym, practice yoga at home or take the dog for a long walk before work each day. For others, taking running shoes to work, grabbing a co-worker and getting outside for a brisk walk is not only a great way to get in some exercise for your body, it's a great brain break as well. If you are one of those busy parents driving and dropping kids at various sports events, you might consider carpooling with other parents so that you each have some free evenings where you can then schedule in some active time for yourself.
As you check that calendar and fill in the blanks you've created with various forms of exercise, remember to stay flexible and open to options. Settling for a walk over lunch hour rather than the bootcamp class you would prefer to take after work is much more beneficial overall than simply giving up and doing nothing, especially when it's combined with various exercise activities throughout the week. Remember, you don't have to have the perfect schedule to get started, just making sure you do will make all the difference in how you can win with your health.
Congratulations in taking the time to to FITNutrition In to your life!
Here's to your health,
Tania Gustafson Nutritionist & Fitness Coach, IBNFC