May 18, 2018
Today marks the half-way point in our UK and European travels and I write this as we wait until it's time, once again, to head to the airport, this time flying from Cologne, Germany to Zurich, Switzerland. By the time this article hits the paper we will be with friends celebrating my husband's birthday and sending big hugs back home to our youngest daughter who shares the same birthday. Such exciting times indeed.
With all the excitement – friends, sightseeing, different food, activities, and even messages from home coming at different times of the day and night – and the longer you're away from home, it can be easy to let your regular fitness routine slide and even disappear altogether. So for those of you who are usually active and find you're missing the gym, exercise class or your hiking buddies or for those who would like to include some activity in their travel, I have a few suggestions.
Invest in and take a Fitbit or set up a step-tracking app on your phone. Begin using it a few weeks before you go so you can see how active you are normally and then set your daily goal accordingly. Fitbit will notify you when you have reached your daily goal. If you are staying with friends, do let them know you're not opposed to doing walking tours around the city rather than always taking public transport or driving. And as we've found out, there are a number of very good free walking tours in several cities, so you can save money and keep fit.
Build some time into your day three to five days per week to do some sort of travel workout wherever you are. Personally, I like to get it done before we go out for the day. Most days I do a 30 – 40 minute resistance band and body-weight workout- following by stretching - to satisfy the “weight lifting” portion of my workout. And once or twice per week I've been doing 30 minutes of yoga for a whole body stretch. I find it's helpful when sleeping in different beds and after long travel days.
Take the stairs. Booking a room a few floors up ensure that at least a few times per day the large leg muscles are activated for strength. Taking the stairs is an especially good idea if you have booked tours that require a fair bit of sitting.
Pack resist bands and a lacross or tennis ball with you. It's amazing how many strength exercises can be done using resist bands and your own body weight. Bands require almost no space in your luggage, they come in varying degrees of tension and simulate lifting weights. Examples can easily be found by googling, and I also have some posted on my YouTube channel as well. The other great thing I love about bands, is that you don't need a lot of space to get a good workout. A spot the size of a yoga mat is all you really need. So if your hotel or Airbnb doesn't have a gym, or you're staying with friends, you can easily do a workout in your room. As with any workout, remember to stretch. Both travelling and sitting for long periods, as well as excessive walking (especially climbing to the top of monuments as we've been doing) can cause leg muscles to tense up. Having some type of small ball you can sit and/or lay on will help massage it out.
Stay hydrated. Making sure to take and drink water as you're out and about is key. It's easy to get distracted by the sights and before you know it, hours have passed. My husband and I take water bottles when we head out for the day, sip on them as we are out and about and refill them at every opportunity.
Of course travel workouts are never the same as our regular exercise routines, but with a little creativity and planning you'll be able to maintain your fitness level and enjoy the energy it brings to your day. For more food and fitness travel ideas, and to join Tania in her #UKEurope2018 journey, like and follow FIT Nutrition on Facebook.