Dec 21, 2021
For me it's always been that special time of year when the family gets together. I do a lot of baking, cooking and creating in my kitchen, always whipping up the old favourites (healthy or not), often trying new recipes and discovering new favourites. We even decorated gingerbread houses last year and my kids are adults! It's a blessing when we can all still be a kid once in a while.
Today's message isn't about what food you should eat, or how to balance what you choose. It's not about exercise or how much water you should be drinking along with the glasses of Christmas cheer. Although it's never a bad idea to keep up that water intake. It's not even about portions or planning or how to make gluten free gravy. Today's message is really just to say well done.
Things haven't been easy these past few years and we've all had to get creative on how to get things done to achieve the results we want. And you've all done a remarkable job of rising to the challenge and making health a priority. Some of the messages that have come in this year are so heartwarming and I wanted to share some of them here with you ....
"My daughter and I were sesrching for someone to help with nutritional guidelines and weight loss....Although we are both very health conscious, we found Tania looking for someone who could help us refine the skills we already had. Tania has changed our life! Although we were both pretty good with our diet, Tania clarified what needed to be taken out and what needed to be added. I'm grateful we found Tania because now my weight is down and staying that way!... Not only has Tania made the path clear, she made it enjoyable, and much easier than anticipated. I am so grateful to her! Lois"
"I started working with Tania again 3 weeks ago. I wanted to feel better physically, but my big concern was/is mental health. I have struggled a long time with anxiety and panic, and in return my physical health was spiralling out of control. I was in agony with liver and intestinal issues and as well having migraines almost everyday. And in this short period of time I have noticed so much relief. I have less pain in my stomach, the issues associated with my liver have subsided and I have not had a migraine for at least a week. I am so grateful for this program and the help I have been receiving from Tania. I have noticed a change in my mindset and have regained faith that it's possible for things to get better." Kaitlyn
"I dont feel that I'm missing anything" Wendy
"Thanks for your unending support." Dennis
"I'm doing great, yesterday was my 21st day... I have lost 8 pounds... I know I have lose inches too...."
" wonderful and easy this program is!! January I'll be 69 ... I've been able to do those exercises that I hadn't been able to do with my joint pain... No more join pain!"
Thank you all for sharing your successes with me, and for being the example of health to your friends and family. Health is our one true wealth in this world and without it, well let's not think about that. So well done all you FITlifers! Way to make health a priority, to keep focusing on that 1% better everyday, and for getting back on track when life knocked you off. Because life happens. And it will more than likely happen again. The difference is, now you're stronger, more determined and better prepared for it. Well done.
WIshing you peace, love and joy this holiday season. And very Merry Christmas from me and my family to you and yours.