Jun 23, 2016
I’m going to be quite frank here and get straight to the point. If you’re waiting for the perfect time to start a weight loss or health improvement program, you may be waiting a long time. I know people who have put off investing in their health for as long as 20 years, saying “Work is just too busy right now…” or “After this vacation I’ll start..” or “When the kids go to school I’ll have time..” or “When the kids leave home I’ll have more time..” or “I’m due for a raise, I’ll look into it next month..” It’s clear there are no perfect people in this world so expecting perfect timing and ideal conditions is truly unrealistic.
While the reasons above definitely do make implementing any change in lifestyle more challenging, in the long run just biting the bullet and getting started will be to your benefit. Achieving and maintaining (and maintaining is the key) your weight loss and health goals is a direct result of implementing small changes consistently over a period of time. Let’s take a peek at what that looks like in the real world.
It’s really all about perspective. For the person who claims work is too busy to even think about anything else I would ask, “What would happen if you could no longer work due to a health related condition?” For the person planning a vacation, “How would it feel to go on vacation and not gain any weight?” For parents, “Wouldn’t it be great to be able to keep up and join in with your kids’ sports and activities from toddler thru teen?” When finances are tight, “Is there anything you are currently purchasing that is not benefitting your health in any way?” By shifting gears and looking at your health from a different perspective, the importance of getting started become crystal clear.
Life is busy, time is the world’s most valuable commodity, and we all want to get the best return on investment for that time. Ironically, the best way to create more time to do the things you enjoy and be with the people you love is to invest in your health. As with any investment, health should be considered a long-term process with periods of fantastic growth as well as the occasional shortfall. Also with every investment comes the understanding that the sooner you begin investing, regardless of the size of the contribution, the greater the rewards will be down the road. Your health is no different.
Starting now and making small changes will create momentum and cause a positive shift in the right direction for your health. Reading labels, choosing more fresh, whole foods over packaged or processed, increasing water intake while limiting alcohol and caffeine and cooking at home more often than eating out are just a few examples of how we can begin today making small changes that, if consistent over time, will help prevent decline and actually even increase our level of health in many instances.
I believe most people today understand the importance of organizing their finances and planning for retirement. Where they fall short however, is understanding that entering into retirement with good physical health is just as, if not more important. After all what good is having the time and resources to travel the world, afford that golf membership or take your grandkids to the park if your body can’t keep up? So, yes you're busy and I get that this may not be the best time to try and make some changes. It seldom is. Although the timing may not ever be perfect, the perfect time to start, is now.