Mar 24, 2023
Family, work, home, kids' activities, grandkids, pets combined with the rising cost of groceries....yep life is busy, and things are getting expensive. There is a third thing that almost no one mentions, but is very much a factor in determining our health, and that is fear. Afraid of what? Great question. Stick with me, let's dive in and unpack all three and see what resonates with you, sound good?
I don't know about you, but I used to think about time in terms of how much I didn't have. How much was left over after the mad sprint of the day or week was done. I used to lament the fact that we only had 24 hours every day and wish there were more. But as I'm sure you've also figured out, wishing doesn't make it so.
This quote summed it up for me, "Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." ― H. Jackson Brown
It summed things up, but didn't offer a solution as to how these amazing humans managed to find time to get all the things accomplished that they did – and in far less favourable conditions than I am blessed with, too. It wasn't until I was listening to something online and one of the speakers said, “Try replacing, 'I don't have time', with, 'That's not a priority', and see what happens.”
There are so many things, especially in this digital age, that steal our time, focus and attention that if you were asked to make a list prioritizing what you'd like to get done and who you'd like to spend time with in a day, would never even make it on the list. But yet somehow we find ourselves spending precious time on. I don't have to list them, you know which shiny things catch your attention, the things that make you “squirrel”.
Finances is another thing people bring up as a barrier when it comes to making changes that will benefit health. “Eating healthy is expensive...” is the one I hear most often. But is it really? Ok sure, if you're going the oragnic and non-GMO route, (which is always a good idea if you can) they do cost a little more per item, but are you truly aware of what you're actually spending on whole, nutrient dense foods vs food-like substances?
Let's do a little kitchen litmus test. Go ahead and take a quick inventory of the cupboards, fridge, freezer, pantry, etc., and note everything in a package, box, bag, can or wrapper that isn't a whole food. Things like cereal, cookies, chips, fruit snacks, granola bars, soda, juice boxes, pizza pops, lunchables, etc. Do a quick mental math, multiply by four,or the number of times per month you shop. Then go ahead and add in any delivery charges and online fees if you're shopping that way, or the Starbucks latte you grab on the way when you shop in person. It doesn't take a math genius to see how this can quickly add up. Simply redistributing what you would have spent on lower quality items to purchasing whole, nutrient dense foods, will give you more bang for your buck without changing what you're spending at the checkout. You may actually even save a few bucks.
Lastly, let's talk about fear. It's not that people are afraid to be healthy, no one ever says that. Fear comes from the thought of change, the unknown. Even though where you are is not where you want to be, where you're headed is new, uncharted territory. New is different, it's unfamiliar. Even when you know the changes are good, if that unfamiliar feeling is left unchecked, it will grow into discomfort, creating a cycle of self sabotage that keeps you stuck and prevents you from achieving your goals. I've worked with clients who, after losing weight and starting to feel and see changes in their body, stopped doing the things that were working to purposely regain the weight because that unfamiliar, uncomfortable feeling was so overwhelming.
Knowing how and what to eat often isn't enough. Our thoughts and beliefs determine our actions, and our actions determine our results. In order to get results – lasting results – tackling the mindset piece is a must.
If any of this has resonated with you or anyone you know, I invite you to click and watch my FREE 15 mins training