Feb 21, 2015
The Saturday before last I had the privilege of leading a nutrition workshop at Pacific Top Team Martial Arts here in Kelowna. The primary focus was to educate people on blood sugar stabilization and why this program works long term where diets fail. The response was very positive.
The group was diverse in a number of areas – age, gender, mobility, vocation – in fact we had everyone from personal trainers in their 20's to retired grandmothers to couples looking to set a better example for their children. Now, if you were to ask a seasoned speaker I suspect they would tell you that having such a varied audience to speak to can be very difficult as each generation and gender have different areas of their health to focus on as well as many different goals.
On the other hand, the wonderful thing about having such a diverse group, at least when teaching on this topic, is that the content is relevant for everyone. Sure, a person's individual program will look a bit different for someone who is training for a competition as opposed to someone who is trying to get back in shape after having children, but the basic principles surrounding how our bodies store and release fat, build lean muscle and metabolize food remain the same. This principle is of course, blood sugar stabilization.
Based on science and the physiology of the way our bodies function, blood sugar stabilization is a program that works with the way our bodies metabolize food. Diets on the other hand tend to be very rigid and impose restrictions, limitations and require a perfect following in order to be successful. On top of that, very few people – less than one percent actually – can truly maintain their results and follow a diet regime for life. No wonder the dieter buys one new diet book every two to three months, they are constantly searching for a program they can get results with and that's doable for life. When they don't see themselves able to continue with the diet they are on, or when they've fallen off and gained some weight back, they begin looking for the next new thing to try.
Many participants that I have spoken to since the workshop have informed me that they have begun implementing at least some of the strategies vital in stabilizing blood sugar and improving their health. I have had comments like, “I will try eating more often throughout the day, including having breakfast...”, “What you said makes sense. I've been exercising and not losing any more weight and was wondering why...(it's because) I was only eating two meals per day...”, “I've been doing what you said these past few days and I already have so much energy. I'm not even tired in the afternoon anymore.” As well, local Kinesiologist and Personal Trainer, Justin Philips of Kelowna Medical Massage remarked that he felt the information was great and encourages his clients to follow the same program, noting that exercise and proper, balanced nutrition together are what will allow people to achieve and maintain their weight loss and fitness goals.
As a health professional, it's at events like these where I am encouraged the most. I love seeing people, especially in our local community, take an active interest in healthy weight loss as well as improving overall health and fitness levels. Thankfully, this is a trend that seems to be catching on and I plan to encourage it whole-heartedly in whatever capacity I can. Everyone has their personal reasons for making healthier changes. Perhaps you've seen family members struggle with losing weight only to regain it all back and you want to show them a better way. Or maybe you are at risk for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes or some other weight related disease that runs in your family and you want to be proactive now rather than reactive later. Whatever your reason, congratulations for making changes, no matter how small, to improve your health. Everyone has to start somewhere, or at least they should because according to a recent study, unless some changes are made soon, it is predicted that by the year 2030, 50 percent of the world's population will be overweight or obese. I don't know about you, but that's a tough statistic to digest. Please don't take your health for granted. The level of health you will enjoy or suffer with as your go through life is directly proportional to how well you take take care of your body. Do something good for your body today. Remember, the transformation always begins with you.